
Can we cure Alzheimer’s Disease? Understanding the link between toxic exposures, insulin resistance, and brain health.

The recent discoveries surrounding Alzheimer’s suggest that one day getting this disease could become optional. In understanding the progression of this disease better, researchers are finding ways to catch it earlier and identify contributing factors so that we can prevent, stop, and reverse this devastating condition.


How to Choose a Good Integrative and Functional Medicine Doctor

Most people can relate to the frustrating situation of making an appointment to see their doctor, only for the appointment to start an hour or more later. Then, after a very rushed visit, being sent home with a prescription and no new insight into what exactly is happening with their health.

Oxytocin...It's Not Just About Sex!

Oxytocin…It’s Not Just About Sex!

Oxytocin… it’s not just about sex!  The pituitary is a very important gland located at the base of the brain, just below the hypothalamus.  The two main sections of the gland, the anterior and posterior pituitary secrete some very essential hormones for life…. Anterior Pituitary Hormones ACTH (Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone) – stimulates adrenal gland to produce cortisol FSH…

Drinking Pure Water: An Overlooked Key to Optimal Health!

Drinking Pure Water: An Overlooked Key to Optimal Health!

Drinking Pure Water: An Overlooked Key to Optimal Health! Talking about pure drinking water may seem a bit boring but making sure that you are adequately hydrated and that the water you drink is free of chemicals and toxins is paramount to your health.  Perhaps nothing is more basic but more important! Did you know that blood is 92%…

Ten Tips To Protect Your Body from Toxic Chemicals

Don’t put anything on your skin you wouldn’t eat! Avoid mainstream consumer skin care, cosmetics and personal care products, period! Need soap? Try natural brands like Dr Bronner’s,  Mrs. Meyers, Watkins or Nubain Heritage. Don’t eat foods made with chemicals you can’t pronounce. Read the ingredients labels. If the list of ingredients is too long…