Please be courteous, and provide 48 hours’ notice for all canceled appointments. This helps ensure that we can meet the needs of all of our patients who are waiting to get an appointment. There will be a $420 cancellation fee for patients who no-show and less than 48-hour cancellations.
What IS Functional Medicine?
Our bodies and their systems (organs, muscles, bones, etc.) are masterpieces of design. Every part has its specific functions as well as an interrelationship with the whole. When you experience symptoms, it’s your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t working at its full function. Our role is to work with you to determine what’s not functioning, why, and how we might assist you in restoring your health.
We use a holistic, supportive, patient-centered approach to healthcare that benefits patients of all ages and conditions. As functional medicine practitioners, we consider the web of interactions that occur among the following:
- Nutrition
- Digestive function
- Detoxification function
- Energy metabolism
- Hormonal function
- Structural function
- Immune system function/inflammation
We clarify the extent of any dysfunction by intensive listening (taking your history), physical examination, and laboratory tests. Once we have identified the root causes of your symptoms, we recommend specific treatments and therapies, including dietary changes, nutritional supplementation, herbal medicines, exercise and stress reduction appropriate to your lifestyle, chiropractic treatment, mind body medicine, and pharmaceutical use when necessary. We consider ourselves to be your partners in improving your health.
We also use functional medicine to assess your risk of developing certain health conditions and to prevent chronic illnesses from occurring. In this way, we move from a downstream (reactive) approach, to an upstream (proactive) approach. We can help you determine what factors are “pushing you into the river” in the first place by identifying your susceptibilities. One of our newest approaches is functional genetic testing. Although you cannot change the “hand of cards you have been dealt” genetically, with this information we can assist you in “playing your hand” in a more effective way. This approach offers significant promise regarding prevention of cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis, as well as successfully addressing a number of common maladies.
What To Bring To Your First Visit
Here is a list of what you should bring to your initial visit:
- Completed Integrative Health History
- List of all medications and supplements that you are currently taking (please bring all bottles with you if possible)
- Bring any recent labs or imaging that you have had done in the past 2-3 years
- Feel free to bring a friend or family member with you if you would find that helpful.
Prescription Refills
We would like to provide you with prescription refills as quickly as possible. Our office receives many calls from patients and pharmacies on a daily basis for refills.
Please call your pharmacy first for refills rather than contacting the office. This helps the pharmacy to identify your prescription number. It also helps us do ensure that you are indeed taking what we have prescribed and will clarify dosages and decrease the chances for medical errors. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
If you have not been seen for over six months, you may need to schedule an appointment prior to getting your refill. As always, please let us know how we can serve you better!
Late Appointments
We make every attempt to stay on schedule. If you are late for your appointment by more than 15 minutes we will have to reschedule your appointment. Individuals who are late more than 3 times will only be allowed to schedule on the same-day. Please call us if you are running late so that we are able to accommodate others who need to be seen.
Dr. Carnahan does not bill insurance. Payment is expected at the time of service. We will provide you with a receipt for services, which you may submit to your insurance plan for reimbursement. We are not a participating provider in Medicaid or Medicare and we have opted-out of Medicare. This means your appointment cannot be submitted to Medicare for any coverage.
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Read our Reviews
Dr. Jill is Your Functional Medicine Expert! She uses functional medicine help you find answers to the cause of your illness and the nutritional and biochemical imbalances that may be making you feel ill. Functional medicine is personalized medicine that deals with root cause of disease instead of just treating symptoms.
Dr. Jill will search for underlying triggers that are contributing to your illness through cutting edge lab testing and tailor the intervention to your specific needs as an individual. She may use diet, supplements, lifestyle changes or medication to treat your illness but will seek the most gentle way to help your body restore balance along with the least invasive treatment possible.
She seeks to promote wellness and create hope, health and healing by working with you!