Take a good look at the latest U.S. statistics on overweight Americans… the numbers are dismal. The #1 health problem in our country is obesity, with over 53 diseases linked to it! It’s not just overweight individuals who are struggling: the economy has taken a direct hit in the form of corporate productivity and rocketing healthcare costs:
If Americans continue to pack on pounds, obesity will cost the USA about $344 billion in medical-related expenses by 2018, eating up about 21% of health-care spending.
~USA Today, November 17, 2009
Dieting, the ubiquitous American pastime, largely results in disappointment and failure. Consider the following:
- 95% of dieters regain more weight than they lost within a few years.
- 41% of people who go on diets weigh more a few years after the diet, than they did before they began dieting.
- Disease management and wellness programs are getting low participation and little or no return on investment.
We have easy access to information about diet and exercise, plus more health clubs, nutritionists, books, meal delivery services, exercise equipment, DVDs, and corporate wellness programs than ever in history. Clearly, something is going very wrong out there. Turns out, we haven’t been looking in the right place. Science and genetic testing is teaching us something that we all know to be true: one size does not fit all when it comes to decoding the human genome. It explains why you’re tall and I’m short, she’s blonde and he’s brunette, and now it explains while all of us might be getting bigger and bigger with each passing decade. Remember how we’ve been told our entire lives that being overweight was mostly due to poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle and that genes played no part? Guess what…“they” were wrong! In fact, studies now show that between 40-70% of obesity has a genetic basis.
Even more exciting is that now you can get your own genetic blueprint for diet and exercise
to lose weight, gain energy, and feel great for life. No more guesswork, no more trial and error, and wondering if this year’s diet du jour will deliver results (as you give up the things you love yet AGAIN). You can take a genetic test today and within a few weeks get on the right path toward your weight loss and health goals.
Pathway Fit™ is a life-changing saliva test that will help you unlock the secrets hidden within your genes, the ones that dictate how you should eat, exercise, and live your life for optimal health and weight management. This is one test where getting personal is a good thing. Your personalized test results are part diet book, part exercise program, part health guidelines, and all you – because it’s based on your specific genetic makeup. You might be thinking, “What can this test tell me about my body and behavior that I don’t already know?” The bottom line answer is validation. Pathway Fit™ tells you how to tap into your genetic code to make choices that will bring results… putting control back in your hands where it belongs. Wouldn’t it feel great to know that it’s not entirely your fault? That there is a scientific basis behind your repeated attempts and failure to lose weight?
All of this would be useless if you couldn’t do something about it. The good news is that you actually have the power to change your genetic destiny by the way you live your life. For example, if you find out that you have a gene variant for increased hunger and snacking, Dr. Jill will give you dietary guidelines to move you from 3 large meals to 4 smaller ones, increase your fiber to suppress hunger, and increase water in between meals. If you have a marker that indicates you can lose more weight on a low carb vs. low fat diet, I’ll deliver the proper nutrition program that outlines what you should be eating at each meal, every day. And if you’ve been spending lots of time guessing at what type of exercise is right for you, Pathway Fit™ will clear up the confusion, and we’ll deliver an exercise regimen that your body is more likely to respond to, freeing up your time to take part in more fun things in your life!
Are YOU ready to fit into your genes?!
Ask Dr. Jill today for your Pathway Fit™ test today, and gain peace of mind for the rest of your life!
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product mentioned in this article are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information in this article is not intended to replace any recommendations or relationship with your physician. Please review references sited at end of article for scientific support of any claims made.