15 Science-backed Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen You Need to Know About
Molecular hydrogen or H2 gas is a very small neutrally charged molecule that has the ability to cross cell membranes and the blood-brain barrier.
Molecular hydrogen or H2 gas is a very small neutrally charged molecule that has the ability to cross cell membranes and the blood-brain barrier.
Lithium is a misunderstood naturally occurring element that’s used as a medication. It’s known for its mood stabilizing properties as a psychotropic drug. While you probably consider lithium to be a serious mind altering medication, the fact of the matter is lithium can often be found in low levels in our drinking water ranging from trace amounts to 0.17 mg/L.
Well, good news for you! People are now using all sorts of different methods to ‘biohack’ their brains and bodies for optimal performance – now, you can do it too!
When the World Trade Center towers fell, carcinogenic substances were sprayed across an 8 mile radius. Asbestos, lead, beryllium, mercury, dioxins, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and PCBs covered lower Manhattan. Over 17 years later, we are still seeing the effects of this terrible tragedy.
More and more we are discovering toxins in many household products and building materials. So, if you think your home is toxin-free, think again. A recently published study suggests that polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) – well-known neurotoxins and carcinogens – may be lurking in the place you’d least expect: your kitchen cabinets.
New research in Finland is finding that the reason could be largely mold. I’ve talked about mold and dementia before, and these findings further support the effect of mycotoxins on inflammation and dementia.
The gut is turning out to play a major role in inflammation and related conditions throughout the body, especially in psychiatric conditions.
While the B vitamin complex might get a lot of attention, there’s one specific type that deserves a spotlight of its own – and that’s vitamin B6. This article is more than a list of benefits… It’s a deep dive into the role of B6 in your body. I think this vitamin is often overlooked and underrated so I wanted to be sure to explain exactly why it’s so important.
In one way or another, we’re all touched by depression. But if you or a loved one has ever sought help for depression, you’ve probably come across the same textbook explanation: Depression is a result of chemical imbalances in your brain that affect your mood. In other words, depression is “in your head.”
Here we’ll discuss phthalates, one of the worst offenders among EDCs, and the latest research on its potential impact on breast cancer risk.