Leaky Gut - The Syndrome Linked to Many Autoimmune Diseases

Leaky Gut – The Syndrome Linked to Many Autoimmune Diseases

“Leaky Gut” Syndrome Leaky Gut – The Syndrome Linked to Many Autoimmune Diseases. Hyperpermeability or “leaky gut” syndrome is the name given to a very common disorder in which the cells lining the intestines become “leaky” due to inflammation. The abnormally large spaces present between the cells of the gut wall allow the entry of…


MTHFR Gene Mutation: How to Know If You Have It and What to Do

What do chronic migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, and autism all have in common? All of these conditions can be caused by a faulty enzyme called MTHFR. While it may look like an abbreviation for a curse word, MTHFR actually stands for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. This little enzyme plays a very important role in the body.  MTHFR…

What's the Big Deal About Methylation?! Update of the Popular MTHFR Blog Post...

What’s the Big Deal About Methylation?! Update of the Popular MTHFR Blog Post…

UPDATE OF POPULAR MTHFR BLOG POST Do you have a genetic defect in the MTHFR gene?? What’s the Big Deal About Methylation?! Update of the Popular MTHFR Blog Post… Maybe you’ve have a family history of heart attack or stroke… maybe you’ve suffered through multiple miscarriages.  Or maybe you struggle with chronic migraine headaches or…


Zonulin: A Discovery That Changed the Way We View Inflammation, Autoimmune Disease and Cancer

An amazing discovery a few years ago revolutionized our ability to understand the gut and permeability and how this impacts a wide range of health conditions from cancer to autoimmune disease to inflammation and food sensitivities. This little molecule, Zonulin, has quite a story…   Zonulin Is The “Doorway” To Leaky Gut Zonulin opens up…

MTHFR Gene Mutation-What's the Big Deal About Methylation?

MTHFR Gene Mutation-What’s the Big Deal About Methylation?

UPDATE POST OF MTHFR BLOG MTHFR Gene Mutation-What’s the Big Deal About Methylation?. Do you have a genetic defect in the MTHFR gene?? Maybe you’ve have a family history of heart attack or stroke… maybe you’ve suffered through multiple miscarriages.  Or maybe you struggle with chronic migraine headaches or irritible bowel syndrome or depression.  Perhaps…

Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium Deficiency: Is it Affecting Your Health?

According to an article on Magnesium Deficiency by researchers Ismail et al*, there is great evidence that many people may be deficient in this much needed mineral and not even know it! Magnesium deficiency was found to be associated with increased prevalence and risk in 11 major health conditions. In 68 of the reviewed studies, magnesium…