In episode #105 Dr. Jason Conviser discusses with Dr. Jill the benefits of Whole Body Vibration to all our body's systems and in special needs populations and osteoporosis.
Key Points:
- What is the science? Why is whole-body vibration so effective, especially for women?
- Why is Power Plate the ideal tool to increase bone density, fight osteoporosis, and optimize muscle strength?
- Why is whole-body vibration a natural approach to eliminating the cause of chronic pain without opioids/NSAIDS?
- How does Power Plate fit into your existing health and fitness regimen?
The Guest – Dr. Jason Conviser
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Dr. Jason Conviser is a leading expert in metabolic assessment and exercise prescription for special need populations. Dr. Conviser is a Fellow of American College of Sports Medicine and fellow of the Medical Fitness Association. He is also one of the leading experts in fitness assessment and exercise prescription for special need populations. Dr. Conviser is best known for his work with patients dealing with metabolic syndrome, obesity, and providing exercise strategies for those who “given up.”
He is the author of eight books and invited speaker to 38 international conferences. He was a past consultant and exercise physiologist to the Duchess of York, Sarah Fergusson. One of Dr. Conviser's research interests includes non-pharmacological strategies to reverse osteoporosis through osteogenic loading.
Dr. Conviser has conducted research and provided expertise to other researchers with a new technology called bio density which involves imposing specific force on the bone safely resulting in bone reformation.
Dr. Jill
Dr. Jill Carnahan is Your Functional Medicine Expert® dually board certified in Family Medicine for ten years and in Integrative Holistic Medicine since 2015. She is the Medical Director of Flatiron Functional Medicine, a widely sought-after practice with a broad range of clinical services including functional medical protocols, nutritional consultations, chiropractic therapy, naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, and massage therapy. As a survivor of breast cancer, Crohn’s disease, and toxic mold illness she brings a unique perspective to treating patients in the midst of complex and chronic illness. Her clinic specializes in searching for the underlying triggers that contribute to illness through cutting-edge lab testing and tailoring the intervention to specific needs.
Featured in Shape Magazine, Parade, Forbes, MindBodyGreen, First for Women, Townsend Newsletter, and The Huffington Post as well as seen on NBC News and Health segments with Joan Lunden, Dr. Jill is a media must-have. Her YouTube channel and podcast features live interviews with the healthcare world’s most respected names.
A popular inspirational speaker and prolific writer, she shares her knowledge of hope, health, and healing live on stage and through newsletters, articles, books, and social media posts! People relate to Dr. Jill’s science-backed opinions delivered with authenticity, love and humor. She is known for inspiring her audience to thrive even in the midst of difficulties.
The Podcast
The Video
The Transcript
#105: Dr. Jill & Dr. Jason Conviser talk Whole Body Vibration for Strength, Longevity & Healing!
Dr. Jill 0:13
Well, hello everybody, once again for Dr. Jill live! I'm glad to meet you here every week. Today I have a special guest that I'm going to be learning right along with you about the benefits of whole body vibration. I'm super excited to learn more about this topic. And before I introduce our guest, just a little background. You can find me at There are loads and loads of years of articles there for free.—you can find resources there. And of course, you can find this recording anywhere you watch or listen to podcasts and on YouTube. If you want to watch previous episodes, they're all there.
Dr. Jill 0:50
I am delighted to introduce my guest, Dr. Jason Conviser. He is a leading expert in metabolic assessment and exercise prescription for special-needs populations. He is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine and a Fellow of the Medical Fitness Association. He's also one of the leading experts in fitness assessments and exercise prescription for special-needs populations. He's best known for his work with patients dealing with metabolic syndrome, obesity, and for providing exercise strategies for those who have given up. Oh, I love this, Doctor, because I'm the same way! I call it the ‘resort doctor'—the doctor of the last resort, right? Both you and me. He is the author of eight books and [has been] an invited speaker at 38 international conferences. He was a past consultant and exercise physiologist to the Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson.
Dr. Jill 1:40
I'm super excited to have you here because what we're going to talk about is whole-body vibration and its benefits. And like I said, I'm going to learn right along with you. I'll just tell you as a background—literally yesterday—I got on the phone with a patient in her 50s diagnosed with osteoporosis. [She said,] “What can I do?” So I'm super excited to especially hear the links. I've got other patients as well with pretty severe osteoporosis, and I want to dive into that for sure. Before we dive into whole body vibration, I always like to hear your story. How did you get into the work you're doing? What's your journey? And tell us a little bit about you?
Jason Conviser 2:14
Well, thank you. Thank you for inviting me. I was never turned on or very excited about Olympic athletes or division one collegiate athletes. But I'm always interested in athletes, and I consider somebody with a second heart, third kidney, the second set of hips, someone who [weighs] 400 pounds, someone with Parkinson's, those folks who would not be considered traditional athletes. I've always had this passion for medical fitness and how fitness can be used as one of the tools to help people gain control in their lives. I don't want to treat them as ‘rehabilitation' or as ‘less than' individuals. I want to push them as if they were in a sport, and that sport is life.
Jason Conviser 3:02
My clients don't ask for personal records. They say: “I want to be able to have activities of daily living. I want to be able to pick up my grandkids. I want to walk to the mall. I want to be able to spend the money that I spent a whole lifetime accumulating, going to travel or to do things.” They're not always the pretty folks that are in great leotards or great workout clothes; they're not on television. But everyone has one or more of these individuals in their family. All they want to do is be able to do more. My job, my passion, and our clinics are all focused on how we take people who can't do something but have the capacity to, they just don't know how. They've been pushed away or forgotten by traditional professionals; that's where I like to come in. That's my passion, and it's been my passion for 40 years.
Dr. Jill 4:02
I love that so much. In my clinic, I do functional medicine, so there are patients who've been everywhere, tried everything, and will really look for that root cause. Some of them are very disabled, and some of them are not. But I love that passion for those people who have kind of been forgotten by the traditional system, and we share that in common, don't we?
Jason Conviser 4:20
You know, yes, we have clinics and we make money, but there's nothing better when somebody says: “I was able to go back to Normandy to the beaches. I was there when Normandy was stormed. And I was physically able to go back with my family.” Or somebody said, “I was able to pick up my grandkid and I didn't think I'd ever be able to do that.” Everyone has goals and activities that they want to do, but they're afraid or they've been told they can't. And I think it's our job—our profession's job—to not cut their dream short, but to help them find a way to get there.
Dr. Jill 5:03
I love it. And what I love is what you talked about too. Even fit people are afraid of gyms; they're intimidated, because, like you said, there are a lot of fit people with lots of muscles and spandex. And 90% of the population doesn't fit that model, right? So I love that you're working with these people. And really, let's talk; what is whole body vibration? Tell us more about this. First of all, what is it? And how do you use it in the work that you do?
Jason Conviser 5:31
So let me take two minutes to go back 40-50 years in history. Imagine if we were to send an astronaut into space and we put them in a weightless environment. Well, there is no such thing as weightlifting in space because it's weightless. So what do we do? We bring the astronauts back to Earth, and they have lived in an environment that is the most unhealthy environment that you can imagine. And for those who have been in a weightless environment for a long time, they come back with osteoporosis, and they come back with muscles that have atrophied. So, how do we stimulate muscle? How do we stimulate the bone so that it does the right thing but in an environment that doesn't work so well for them?
Jason Conviser 6:18
Vibration was first used by the Russians. One of the things that you may have remembered when all of us were younger is that quite often we never saw the astronauts come out of the space capsules; they were pulled out, crawled out and they were lifted into a helicopter. That's because they couldn't walk; their muscles were not working very well. With vibration, you don't have to have a weight that you're pressing. You're able to use the vibration to stimulate muscle contraction, which takes the place of—in a variety of different ways—lifting weights the traditional way.
Jason Conviser 6:58
The second way: imagine if you were a speed skater 40-50 years ago, and they had these big ovals racing, and you might warm up two hours before you had to compete. How do you keep warmed up? How do you stay flexible, fluid, and ready to compete after you've warmed up two hours ago? Well, the Europeans figured out that if you use vibration, the muscles can maintain their flexibility and their warmth. I use an analogy that I think does well: Imagine if you were going to your kitchen and took out a box of spaghetti; if you tried to bend that spaghetti, it would be very brittle, but if you put warm water over it, it becomes very loose and pliable. Well, imagine if you take a muscle in cross section, it looks identical to spaghetti. And if you take warm blood and you transfer that warm blood to the exercising muscles, then they stay warm and flexible, so that now we [can] prepare for activity more efficiently than just going out and doing movement. So that was 40-50 years ago.
Jason Conviser 8:08
Now we've used vibration in a variety of settings from individuals who are so heavy that they can't do traditional walking and traditional exercise as a stimulus to do more resistance; putting a multiplier on the weight that they might be lifting or performing as a way to prepare, warm up, perform, do the activity and recover faster so that the body goes back to a more restful or normal state. And that's what vibration does. It cuts the head off and [basically] says: we're not going to worry about cognitively telling the muscles to contract; we're going to use vibration to stimulate the contraction of the muscle. We shunt blood to the muscles; the muscles work just as if we were telling them to go exercise.
Dr. Jill 9:00
Wow! So I'm just trying to wrap my mind around this because, again, I've known about vibration, I've tried it a time or two at the gym, but I never really dove into the research. One of my favorite things to do is: how can we biohack our physiology and do more with less or do short circuits? Like you said, I bet I would love to hear about some of the kinds of clients you work with, because these are probably people who can't do the normal types of things, yet you can get a great physiological response when you add in vibration. Tell me more about how you use this and what kinds of patients it's especially effective for.
Jason Conviser 9:34
I'm going to give a physiology example, and if I'm going over the head, you just tell me and I'll bring it back down. Every muscle doesn't attach to a bone—only tendons attach to bones. And inside those tendons, there is something called a Golgi tendon organ. It's about the thickness and size of a hair, it's a stretch receptor, and all it does is send information back that says: you're pulling that muscle too tight; or we're just fine, no problem at all, we can just relax. That protects us from pulling a muscle and prepares those muscles for activity. Golgi tendon organs are stimulated by vibration, so if that Golgi tendon organ is being vibrated, it will release and allow the muscle to just expand or stretch a little bit more. If we have a rubber band and we stretch it this far and let go, it has a certain amount of energy that's created. But with vibration, that Golgi tendon organ becomes very loose and pliable. So we can stretch that muscle even further, and when we let go, [it has] more force or more capacity to contract. So we're biohacking as you described. We're allowing that Golgi tendon organ to know: you're okay; your muscles are okay; we're warming up the tissue; we're not going to rip it away from the bone; we're going to warm up and get you ready to do the activity that you want to do.
Jason Conviser 11:09
Every professional football team, every baseball team, and every basketball team has vibration in their training camps and in their training facilities. But if you come to my facilities in Illinois, we have whole-body vibration in our waiting room, because we don't want people to sit down. We want them to come into the waiting room and get on a vibration platform and start warming up so that their muscles are prepared for the activity that we're going to do once the professional calls them into our spaces.
Dr. Jill 11:40
I love that! I might think about getting one in my waiting room. That's a great, great idea. I just love that and it makes so much sense. Obviously, I want to go into bone density and osteoporosis because that's a big part of some of the patients that I treat. But this can have so many applications, from professional athletes to rehab, to housewives, to children. Are there any contraindications at all for people who shouldn't use it? Is there any reason why someone should be careful or cautious?
Jason Conviser 12:12
Whole body vibration is a form of exercise, and exercise is good. Are there risks associated with exercise? Yes. If you've just had surgery, you shouldn't be on a vibration platform. But if you've just had surgery, you should probably be speaking to your physician or your medical team about how much, how long, and how intense exercise you should be doing. So all it does is raise the level. If you have any of the issues that the American College of Sports Medicine would say, “be cautious with exercise”: high blood pressure, chest pain, or you have had a joint replacement recently [for example]. For all those kinds of issues, get permission to exercise. But even if you don't use whole-body vibration, get permission to exercise.
Jason Conviser 13:05
What vibration does is it makes the warm-up a little bit more efficient and faster. It allows you to perform at a higher level, and it allows you to recover faster so you can go about your day-to-day activities. If you're a pharmacist and you're on your feet all day, you may want to have vibration in order to keep the calf or the gastrocnemius muscle loose and flexible, and the Achilles tendon loose and flexible, so there's circulation in your lower body. If your back is tight, you could use whole-body vibration to massage it and to get it looser and more flexible. If you want to get a more intense exercise instead of just doing a bicep curl or a push-up, [use] vibration. We usually set it at 30 to 40 hertz, or 30 to 40 vibrations per second. Now you're not only doing the activity, but your muscles are going like this. It's an incredibly challenging workout so that you don't have to exercise for an hour at a time; you can still get a very good workout in a much shorter time. It doesn't take away the need for exercise; it's just a way to do it more efficiently, faster, and with much less increased risk.
Dr. Jill 14:25
I love this and I'm going to try to restate what I heard you saying. I want you to correct me if I've heard anything wrong. Say someone like me; I love to walk, and I do some weight resistance. I don't do a lot of high-intensity [training], but if I were to add it to my regimen, I could add it as a warm-up, either doing some push-ups or squats or something on there, or I could actually workout with the Power Plate two or three days a week as an alternative. How would you incorporate it into somebody that's healthy [and considered] average? How many minutes? What kind of exercise would you do on it? What would be a typical program for someone who's fairly healthy like myself?
Jason Conviser 15:03
I'm going to give you a couple of different real-life scenarios. For one [thing], if you're going to go out for a walk today, you might be on the vibration platform for two to three minutes just to warm up the calves, the hamstrings, and the lower back. It's just allowing vasodilation in the periphery. More blood goes down to the periphery; blood carries oxygen. You're warming up in the same way you would be warming up when you go out and exercise, but you do it a little bit more efficiently. It's as simple as that. Or maybe when you go out and walk, [the following happens]: “My calves tighten up”; or “my hamstrings tighten up”; or “I have that muscle pain in my buttocks”; or in “my lower back.” So you can warm up a particular tissue a little bit more efficiently. So it's nothing more than just a great way to warm up.
Dr. Jill 15:54
Okay. I could actually do a workout on it, right?
Jason Conviser 16:01
You can absolutely do a workout on it. So if you don't have that 45 minutes or an hour to go out and exercise, and you want to do some stretching, you can use both static and dynamic stretching. You can do strength training. You can do the upper body, lower body, or core. One of the nice things about Power Plate, which is the vibration unit that I use, is that they have a website that has—I don't know the exact number—1000-1100 different exercise scenarios. So you say: I'm this weight, I'm this height, and this body area is what I want to work on. [This is an example of the results, basically:] Here are 20 different ways of doing it for core; here are 20 different ways to warm up; here are 20 different ways to exercise with more intensity. So once you take it out of the box and you plug it in, you have an app that allows you immediately to know what to do and not have to call someone like me to go, “Okay, let's put a program together.”
Dr. Jill 17:00
So you kind of have a personal trainer with the Power Plate, right?
Jason Conviser 17:03
It's on your phone. You're going out for your walk; what do you do? Your lower back hurts; how do you use it so that it feels good? You're there for three, four, or five minutes, and you go: “Thank you very much. Now I'm ready to go and do some other things I want to do with my day.”
Dr. Jill 17:25
Wow! I love that because it is so easy. So let's move to the topic I keep bringing up with bone loss, osteoporosis, or even deconditioning—someone who hasn't been able to do much. Tell us more about the data around osteoporosis and bone density and why this has an effect on that?
Jason Conviser 17:43
This is really important because there are so many articles that are across the spectrum, both positive and negative. So I want to help your listeners focus on what they should be looking for. Is vibration a panacea and a cure for osteoporosis? No, but there isn't a cure for osteoporosis right now. We know that exercise and putting force on bone is one way to keep bones healthy. And with vibration, the part of the bone that you really are working on is not the cortical or the outside of the bone, but the trabecular, that lattice structure that gives us the strength. And we know that vibration makes that lattice structure of the trabecular bone stronger. But I don't want someone to think that I'm going to get a Power Plate, and in five minutes I'm going to be all done with my osteoporosis program. You still have to have a traditional exercise program of cardiovascular flexibility; you still have to eat well. But what vibration allows is that vibration allows the muscles to pull on the tendons, and the tendons pull on the bones; it creates tension or force on the bones, and that's how trabecular bone increases.
Jason Conviser 19:15
We do a lot of publications, and they're all public information. They can go online and see that we use vibration as part of an exercise program, not as the only part of the exercise program. So they still have to get stronger, they still have to eat well, they still have to participate in balanced activities—all the things that you want from a traditional exercise program. But with vibration, you're putting a lot of force safely on bone. You're making the muscle stronger; you're pulling on that bone. And the literature is fairly clear that that kind of stimulus is great for bone growth. Now comes the big ‘but.' It doesn't happen in just two weeks. You don't use vibration and then two weeks later you move from osteoporosis into osteopenia. The timeframe to make bones stronger is approximately a year. And someone says: ” A year? How terrible! How terrible!” Well, if you use various forms of pharmacology to hopefully make bones stronger, the Physicians' Desk Reference says 18 to 36 months with potential side effects, and you still need to exercise to get strong. So the year doesn't seem like such a bad trade-off, in my opinion.
Dr. Jill 20:42
I love that. So the first question is, do you have a website where people can access some of the stuff you've published?—because I'm happy to share that here—your resources.
Jason Conviser 20:51 There's a tab for research, and all of our studies are there. I'm not an employee of Power Plate. I have my own clinics. I love the equipment because I see what it does for our patients, and that's why I'm here today. But if you go to, we also have all of our studies, all in refereed medical journals, and I encourage people to download them and see what's there.
Dr. Jill 21:31
I love this because I have a lot of physicians who listen and a lot of very educated patients. So they love going into the physiology and some of the papers and stuff. So I'll be sure and link to both of those.
Jason Conviser 21:42
Can I share [something] with you? One study that I am really proud of is with Spring Point Senior Assisted Living Center in New Jersey. We used vibration with individuals who are living in a senior environment, and for 24 weeks we used vibration. We were using different scales of activities of daily living: walking distance, walking speed, being able to go upstairs, being able to come downstairs, and better balance—things that everyone wants to do in a daily routine. The results were [so] incredible that we were able to take 80 and up to 94-year-old individuals, and they were able to walk further, walk faster, and be able to lift more weight. They were able to move away from the stereotypical “give them a cane,” “give them a walker,” or “give them an implement.” The implement that we gave them were stronger bodies, better balance, and more capability in the study with the Spring Point Senior System Living Center. I'm very proud to show what vibration can do.
Dr. Jill 22:56
Wow, so that's tremendous! I have a couple of questions on that. First of all, what was the amount of time? What was the study of implementation as far as how many minutes per day they used?
Jason Conviser 23:08
It was three days a week with 15 minutes of exercise. But we don't do vibration for 15 minutes in a row; we do a minute on, a minute off. At 15 minutes, you would be toast because your muscles are contracting at 30 vibrations a second—15 minutes of 30 vibrations a second. Not even the best and strongest athlete in the world is going to be comfortable in that environment. So we recommend a minute on, a minute rest, a minute on, a minute rest. And so that's a 30-minute protocol. In this study, there was also a control group, so you can see that it's not just, “Well, they were doing some exercise; of course, they were getting better.” Even with a control group, there was a very clean study that I think is an easy study to read and go: “Oh, that could be me. I can work that into my life. I can add that without making a big change in my lifestyle.”
Dr. Jill 24:14
That's why I asked. Three days a week for a 30-minute program is really doable, right? I knew that was probably the case, and I wanted to hear from you. The other thing I'm thinking that we see with aging and with a decrease in the ability to do ADLs and all that kind of stuff is sarcopenia, which is muscle loss as we age and difficulty with proprioception. I'm guessing that both of those are strongly affected by the vibration and both the proprioception ability to be balanced and be able to tell where you are in time and space and then also with the muscle loss like sarcopenia. Is that true?
Jason Conviser 24:49
That's 100% true. That's not my area of research. But I'm guessing there are 300-500 wonderfully refereed, published studies that have demonstrated exactly what you're describing.
Dr. Jill 25:06
Excellent. Yes, because I'm thinking about the elderly. Like you said, the function thing is so key, even to keep you out of the hospital and hip fractures and all of that. So there are a lot of long-reaching effects of this. I do want to mention now that Power Plate has been so generous—you don't work for them, I don't either—but I was really excited to learn that they are giving any listener who's listening to this $600 off and 0% financing if you finance them on a purchase. So be sure and check. I'll put a link anywhere you hear this on the Podcast or on the web page or on YouTube, you'll see a link, and if you want to know more, you're going to get a discount if you're interested. I just want to mention that because I thought that was a really big deal—that's a big discount.
Jason Conviser 25:46
My kids always make fun of me; I'm not a very technical person. I don't know how to program things; I don't know how to do IT. One of the things I like about Power Plate products is that you open up the box, plug it in, and it's ready to go. And if it's Jason-proof, then I know that it works well.
Dr. Jill 26:07
I'm just like you; I don't know anything mechanical. So I could fix the body but not anything else. So I love that because, again, I honestly don't own one, but one of my friends is involved in the company and I'm thinking about it. So I think I'm going to have to purchase one and try it. Maybe we'll have a follow-up interview in a few months, and I can tell you what's happened in my life with that.
Jason Conviser 26:27
People want to move; they just don't know how sometimes. And my job is to take the mystery out of people asking for perfection, and go, “There's nothing perfect here; just get started.” And if we can get them started for five minutes, then we can make that 10 minutes. If we can make it 10 minutes, they usually feel a little bit better when they're sleeping, when they're getting in and out of the car, when they're on an airplane for four or five hours, when they're working at a desk for X amount of time. And then they go: “If 10 minutes gives me this feeling of more control and more capacity, well, what do another few minutes do for me?”—instead of saying you have to do it for an hour every day, which for some is just great. But most of my clients go: “I don't have that time; I don't have that ability. Show me what I can do in 10 or 15 minutes.” And that's why we like vibration so much.
Dr. Jill 27:27
I love this because, again, I'm always looking for ways to optimize performance with less time because we all have these time constraints. So it's super exciting. Gosh, that's so much good information. I wonder if there's anything else you'd like to share that we haven't talked about. Or perhaps there's a story or two of really amazing success in your clinics. You actually have a fitness center, right? It's in Chicago?
Jason Conviser 27:52
Our fitness center would disappoint a lot of folks. I want our clients to feel like they don't need to be in a fitness center in order to get fit. I want them to be able to use the carpet on the floor in their living room and to use gravity as resistance, to use a range of motion to know how to put the body in a position where they can be more flexible, more cardiovascularly fit, and have better muscular endurance. I use vibration to enhance those particular components. My clients are not on the front page of sports magazines. My clients look outside and go, “Who's walking outside?” Who in your family or in your circle of friends says, “this hurts” or “I wish I could do”—fill in the blank. And it's my job to create a program and an atmosphere where “We can do that; we can modify that activity; we can start small and build up.”
Jason Conviser 29:05
With vibration, it gives me a tool that allows me to take even the most deconditioned individual and get them started in a safe environment. I have lots of 350 and 400-pound clients. Well, just physically moving can be a challenge. So I can put them on a vibration platform and keep them safe, have their muscles contracting, and give them a really good workout. Then we can start adding more cardiovascular, more movement because their body is better prepared. I have people who are 85 and 90; my oldest client is 94. Most people say: “You know what? Just sit and relax.” And they usually use some derogatory terms like: “Just sit down honey, you've done enough. You've had a long life.” And my clients don't want that at all. They don't want to be seen as ‘less than'; they want to know, “What capacity do I have?” And everyone has told them, “You have nothing left.” It's my job, it's our job to not only say, “You have lots left,” but “How do we get there?” And vibration is a tool.
Jason Conviser 30:20
I have lots of tools in my toolkit. Vibration is one of the tools that I can use for almost everybody that allows them to prepare or warm up more comfortably and faster to perform and do the activities that they want to do and to recover so that they don't have that muscle soreness. And they're able to come back tomorrow and go: “Oh, that's pretty good. I think I'll try it again.” If I do that, my clients come back all the time.
Dr. Jill 30:50
Wow, I love that. This is so practical. Again, I've learned a ton because I've seen these. And I'll tell you what: my thought is that I haven't owned one before. I look in the gym and I'm intimidated; I'm like, “What do I do with that thing?” But I'm excited because the best thing about this is it kind of brings you to have a home trainer. You have the programs that are all built in there with the app, so you don't have to figure out what to do. That's my most exciting thing.
Jason Conviser 31:17
Your needs today may not be the needs that you have next week or next year. There may be issues with rehabilitation with pelvic floor issues.
Dr. Jill 31:33
That's what I would like to ask really quickly. So, say someone had knee surgery or hip surgery and when their doctor cleared them, I'm assuming this would be a great tool for rehab to work with their physical therapist in rehab, right?
Jason Conviser 31:44
That's how I've made my living for 40 years.
Dr. Jill 31:48
But I want to make sure this is really clear because if you're listening out there and you've been through surgery and your doctor clears you, I'm thinking that's what I'm going to recommend for patients.
Jason Conviser 31:55
This is an exercise device that's been around for 40 years that people are just discovering now. It's important that we turn the switch on so that we're not an immobile or inactive population. This is one of the ways I found that: “Okay, I feel better. The muscles are warmed up. There's a little bit better circulation. Now I can get out and do things,” instead of going, “ugh, it hurts.” When we get that feeling where someone can move and move more effectively, I can do almost anything with them because movement feels good. Exercise does feel good when you do it correctly, and with vibration, it prepares the body to do it a little bit more efficiently.
Dr. Jill 32:52
Wow, this has been absolutely tremendous. I am so grateful for your time and expertise and all the 40 years of work that you've done to help people who maybe didn't know they could move or thought they were too heavy or too ill or too old—all these things that they were told. It's really, really exciting, especially for people with osteoporosis, or with post-surgical issues where they're trying to rehab joints or tendons or whatever. It's so exciting. Thank you again for your time. I really, really appreciate it!
Jason Conviser 33:20
Thank you. In our office, we have a sign that says: “If somebody tells you, ‘you can't do that,' fire them and find a team that can help you do it in a safe way.” And with vibration, we learn how to help everybody do it in a safe way.
Dr. Jill 33:35
Brilliant! That's a perfect way to end. Dr. Conviser, thank you so much for your time. I really, really appreciated it today. It's exciting to learn new ways to do things and to help all of our patients no matter what age they are.
Jason Conviser 33:48
It's a pleasure meeting you! And I thank all of your listeners. Thank you very much.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product mentioned in this article are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information in this article is not intended to replace any recommendations or relationship with your physician. Please review references sited at end of article for scientific support of any claims made.