Add multiple chemical sensitivity to the long list of chronic diseases that have been written off as psychosomatic for far too long. Chronic diseases are inherently complex and confusing for patients and doctors alike.
Fortunately, we live in a time where awareness for ‘invisible illnesses’ are on the rise. Hopefully, we can continue to spread awareness and get quality information into the hands of those that need it.
Today, I want to talk about multiple chemical sensitivity and dive deep into the science behind it.
What is Multiple Chemical Sensitivity?
Multiple chemical sensitivity is a condition that is activated by specific classes of chemicals which act along different pathways in the body and cause an increase in N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) activity. NMDA receptors are critical in neuroplasticity, which affects your memory and brain function. NMDA is an amino acid that mimics glutamate, which is the neurotransmitter that normally binds to NMDA receptors.
Another way of saying this is: instead of glutamate acting on the NMDA receptors (which helps with normal brain function), multiple chemical sensitivity causes a higher level of NMDA to replace the glutamate, which can cause brain dysfunction.
These reactions in the body are lowered by NMDA antagonists, which suggests that it's our body’s way of dealing with these toxic chemicals. But when that's not enough and the body can't properly detox, it can initiate multiple chemical sensitivity.
Genetically, there are certain genes that have been associated with the metabolism of these chemicals, and they can indicate whether or not a person will be susceptible to developing multiple chemical sensitivity.
Symptoms of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
When the NO/ONOO (nitric oxide and peroxynitrite) cycle is thrown off due to the elevated NMDA activity, it can cause:
- Energy metabolism dysfunction
- Blood-brain barrier breakdown
- Increased chemical sensitivity
- Increased TRVP1 activity
- Increased NMDA activity
- Oxidative stress
- Increased nitric oxide
- Increased peroxynitrite
- Increase inflammatory cytokines
- Increased levels of intracellular calcium
- Neurogenic inflammation
- Airway sensitivity
These can cause a wide variety of symptoms in individuals and may include:
- Headaches
- Extreme
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Chest
- Heart palpitations
- Muscle pain
- Brain fog
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Memory problems
- Mood changes
- Congestion
- Sneezing
- Sore throat
- Chest pain
- Rashes
- Breathing problems
What Types of Chemicals Trigger Multiple Chemical Sensitivity?
Because we are surrounded by tens of thousands of chemicals each day, it's difficult to identify exactly where the chemicals that trigger multiple chemical sensitivity come from. The sheer number of chemicals combined with everybody's unique body chemistry create an infinite number of combinations and potential reactions.
For a long time, researchers even argued that the diversity of chemicals made it unlikely that there would be a common response. So, defining multiple chemical sensitivity has been challenging.
That being said there are number of chemicals and toxins that have been identified in multiple chemical sensitivity, including:
- Organic solvents
- Organophosphorus pesticide (like glyphosate)
- Carbamate pesticides
- Organochlorine pesticides
- Pyrethroid Pesticides
- Mercury
- Hydrogen sulfide
- Carbon monoxide
You might look at this list and think, “what the heck are these?”
Unfortunately, most of these are pesticides and herbicides that end up in our food and water. These chemicals produce common toxic responses in the body and cause an elevation of NMDA activity, which result in perplexing symptoms.
Finally, there are lawsuits being waged against Monsanto for it’s misleading claims about glyphosate, hopefully something will come of it. I recently wrote about this and glyphosate, you can read that here: We Can No Longer Ignore Glyphosate.
Diagnosing and Treating Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Similar to other chronic diseases, multiple chemical sensitivity causes widespread systemic responses that vary from person to person – therefore it’s not an obvious diagnosis.
There are 5 principles of multiple chemical sensitivity that set it apart from other chronic toxin related illnesses.
- Short-term stressors trigger multi-system responses by raising nitric oxide and other cycles.
- This trigger is converted into a chronic illness through long-term elevation of peroxynitrite and other cycle elements.
- Symptoms and signs of these illnesses include other mechanisms. Such as elevated levels of peroxynitrite, inflammatory cytokines, oxidative stress, elevated NMDA, TRPV1 receptor activity, ATP depletion, and BH4 depletion.
- The influence of these mechanisms occur on a local level via individual cells and biological tissues.
- Therapy should focus on down-regulating NO/ONOO (nitric oxide and peroxynitrite) cycle biochemistry.
When MCS is Mistaken for CFS/ME and Fibromyalgia
Multiple chemical sensitivity differs from chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis and fibromyalgia because it's specifically triggered by the chemicals listed above. Though multiple chemical sensitivity might be mistaken for these conditions. Especially since they are also associated with increased nitric acid level oxide levels. The important distinction here is the mechanism that causes increased nitric acid level oxide levels in multiple chemical sensitivity is the increased NMDA activity.
So, if you've ever received a chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis or fibromyalgia diagnosis, it's important that you make sure your doctor is aware of the growing research on multiple chemical sensitivity. These conditions are often mistaken for one another.
Work to Reduce Your Toxic Burden
I realize this is one of my more technical articles, but I wanted to include as much information as possible since there is a general lack of quality articles on multiple chemical sensitivity available online.
If you suspect you have multiple chemical sensitivity, remember you are your best advocate. It is possible that your doctor is not aware of this condition because it is a very complex illness involving multiple systems in the body. Researchers are still working to define its parameters and diagnostic procedures.
Just like so many other chronic illnesses, when it comes to multiple chemical sensitivity the name of the game is to reduce your overall toxic burden.
I have written extensively on reducing toxic burden and you can find my blog on this here as well as my free guide on how to reduce your daily toxin exposure here.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product mentioned in this article are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information in this article is not intended to replace any recommendations or relationship with your physician. Please review references sited at end of article for scientific support of any claims made.
I would like to encourage you to check out the various brain retraining programs that address multiple chemical sensitivity. I myself experienced a fair amount of recovery and have friends who have recovered 100% using these programs. More and more environmental illness and mold doctors are referring patients to these programs. Ashok Gupta has a couple of theory papers regarding how these programs work. He is a not a scientist but was a med student when he got CFS/ME. I did stict detox and avoidance for close to two years with no big results but brain retraining made a huge difference.
Laurie, where would I find a brain retraining program? Did you go to a health care practitioner, or proceed on your on? Looking up Ashok Gupta now .
Shelley, I am aware of three at the moment (there may be more). They are kind of spread out geographically, but all can be researched and ordered online:
Gupta Program (UK), Ashok Gupta:
ANS Rewire (AU), Dan Neuffer:
DNRS Dynamic Neural Retraining System (US), Annie Hopper:
I have noticed that people who are “super cleaners” often have more medical issues. Both a friend & a relation who use bleach to disinfect everything, antibacterials, numerous other cleaning products & wipes both have lupus & fibromyalgia. We’re killing ourselves!
M., thanks for bringing up cleaning. Conventional disinfectants are officially pesticides, some of which are now contaminating our house dust. So I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a link to major health conditions— that’s alot of exposure.
Hi- does multiple chemical sensitivity, CIRS, and mass cell problems tend to go together or do most people just have one of these issues? I feel like my symptoms fit into all 3 of those issues. Do you have any suggestions on a doctor that can help diagnose and treat me? Thanks.
I checked out the links in your Resources and none of them show any clear biomarkers for MCS. Do you have sources I can use? Thanks.
Hi Solona,
Here is a link to the lab tests:
Dr Jill
I am wondering why MCAS is not at all mentioned? MCS is not a real term, it’s just MCAS. Your mast cells misfiring to anything around you – whatever they decide to react to.
yes, this may be a player
My sensitivity is Very clearly laminate. Flooring, furniture, partical board. I understand it off gases formaldehyde. Also auto exhaust, fragrances and cleaning chemicals. Oh yes and fire retardant.
If you are suffering from mold and MCS, which one do you recommend treating first? Can treating the biotoxin issue, help treat the MCS?
I recommend treating the mold exposure first which is likely a trigger to MCAS
Thanks, Dr. Carnahan, for explaining the factors. Toxics and neuroplasticity interest me especially; more will as I re-read your post.
I’ve never had MCS. But starting in 1985, I met many sufferers in a large MCS community. I had started a least-toxic cleaning service, so they found me through local word-of-mouth. Many hired me, so I worked closely with them in person, in their homes.
In this MCS community, over the years I met only eight who healed, virtually symptom-free.
Of the eight who healed, all had detoxed their homes and diets. And restricted many foods due to sensitivities.
Following are their differences. Hope this makes sense!
— The first, a scientist and inventor, did nothing beyond detoxing.
— The second adopted a whole-food diet, and stopped restricting foods. And finally, adopted a religious faith she said helped.
— The third tried meds. When that failed, she adopted a whole-food diet, and stopped restricting foods. Then started exercising (cardio and weight training). And integrating Louise Hay’s work. And tried suing her former employer for a toxic exposure. Then relocated.
— The fourth tried meds too. When that failed, she turned to specialized brain training and NAET acupuncture.
— The remaining four used religious faith healing, through a special church program for MCS.
The first three stayed toxic-free after healing.
The four who used religious faith healing returned to conventional lifestyles, feeling liberated from MCS restrictions. The two I had worked with were symptom-free, at least for the few months I followed up with them. The other two reported the same, they said.
Correction: Of the four who used religious faith healing, one was still symptom-free several years after. More info on request.
Hi Regina,
Can you share more about the people you have met who healed? Is there a way to contact you?
You state that “Therapy should focus on down-regulating NO/ONOO (nitric oxide and peroxynitrite) cycle biochemistry.” So how does one go about doing this?
I’ve had mold exposure few times plus pytrethrin pesticide exposure as well. Now I am sensitive to fragrances, air fresheners, paint, VOCs, and more.
This has become a significant burden on my life and limited my ability to find suitable housing, stressed my relationships, and makes me afraid of travelling. I have worked with a few doctors on this, even a one highly regarded nationally but not much progress.
Can you please share specifics on how one would down regulate the NO/ONOO cycle? I am desperate and don’t have the money to pursue expensive doctor visits that my insurance doesn’t cover.
Thanks in advance!
Hi Nathan
That is complicated and best done with genetic specialist that can personalize a plan by looking at your SNPs and working with a functional medicine doctor for supplements that would support your specific aberrant pathways. Basically it would depend on the individual.
Dr. Jill
I ditto Nathan’s question. I have worked freelance from home for decades now, but have an opportunity to work teaching a class that I really want to take – but the building makes me sick.
what type of doctor am I looking for – is the term ‘functional medicine doctor’ or ‘genetic specialist’ names that are commonly use? are there other types of doctors who I could work with?
The issue with this is a lot of people who have severe MCS, can not take supplements .so how would one navigate through that. Supplements can actually make it way worse due to broken pathways.
yes, best to work with a functional medicine practitioner to help you control symptoms and reactions
Hi, I have suffered with MS for over 20 years now.
I am a Registered Nurse living in MA.
MACI. Massachusetts Ass. for the Chemically Injured.. can tell you alot.
Hi Gina,
I have recently moved to the upper valley from CA. Can you recommend someone I can see to help treat my MCS which I’ve had for over 15 years. – Jennie
Hi Gina, have you seen people fully recover and do you know what route they took?
I’d like to mention that tens of thousands of women who have Breast Implants all have experienced or developed some form of Chemical/Food Sensitivities as well. There has been a lot of media covering stories of Breast Implant Illness and Cancer. AKA Bia-Alcl. Just something to consider when getting any type of Implant, fillers, injections etc. Our bodies are becoming over stimulated with just everyday exposure, and then to top it off with more toxins, is a major concern.
Hi Jill, Thank you for the time you’ve devoted to this is article on MCS and aiming to spread awareness and get quality information out there to those who need it. There is so much misinformation surrounding MCS and a shortage of reliable articles. Messages about it being psychosomatic are dated and unhelpful but are still finding their way all over the web. In particular wikipedia seems to have a ridiculously biased and non credible post on MCS. Thanks for pointing to the science. There is a lot to learn and to try to understand about the disease. It seems it is co morbid with CFS/ME and Fibromyalgia so it is not surprising it is mistaken for them. There is an excellent page about MCS on the MEpedia site which explains that MCS often occurs with ME. It’s here- It’s a good up to date and comprehensive article that may be helpful also in spreading awareness about MCS and it being a physical disease rather than a pyschosomatic condition that no one knows much about.. There is actually a lot known about it. It’s good to find your site looking for help for a friend who has MCS, Thank you.
I think this is right web address for the above multiple chemical sensitivity resource
Good article but it completely missed talking about scented products which are the biggest triggers that people with MCS actually FEEL. I have no doubt those chemicals listed may start or contribute greatly to the process, but it is the components of personal care products, household care products, and building products as well as those listed that are problematic
This is a good point Roberta. Fragrance chemicals have been found to be a major problem. Current research out of Melbourne University in Australia by Prof Anne Steinemann has been showing the hazards of fragrance chemicals causing indoor air pollution. It has been dubbed “second hand fragrance” and has widespread health implications. But this researcher in particular is finding that there is an increased prevalence of MCS internationally over the last decade. This is a link to Melbourne University’s article on the topic if anyone is interested.
You got it…but Dr. Jill and her team talked about anything except the most important subject which is: WHERE TO BUY PERSONAL AND HOUSEHOLD CARE PRODUCTS FOR THOSE WHO SUFFER FROM MCS…What a disappointment reading their articles!!!
Unfortunately, Liliana there is no one size fits all. We work with patients individually to determine which ingredients trigger MCAS and avoid. Certainly I would start with fragrance-free, paraben and phthalate-free products but many patients will find other things they must avoid like SLS. It is a long slow process of trial and error but best done by the patient eliminating possible triggers and then reassessing.
I have been battling with MCS for over 5 years and at times I get so ill from normal breathing that I can’t even get out of bed. I get so dizzy I feel like throwing up for days, even up to a week with a massive headache. I feel like passing out often. My sense of smell is very acute I’ve smelled the blood of a dead deer from hundreds of yards away.
I’ve done as much online research as I could find, seeking answers to how to stop or alter off gassing of VOCs. I have written to chemical companies, and companies that install the filters to remove VOCs from industrial processes. I have never received any answers. The chemical companies need to be held accountable for this destruction.
This issue, mixing poisonous chemicals to create products which most people think smell good has gone too far. As I walk around my neighborhood the smells are so overpowering that I get dizzy and very weak. Some residential areas smell like they use Tide laundry detergent to odorize their house inside and out. Tide to me is like kryptonite to superman.
As of now, after being burned out of Paradise over 2 years ago, I am trapped in an RV park where the smells are very overpowering all hours of the day and night, but not constant. I try to close everything when the “cloud” of fragrance passes by but I quite often smell it in my trailer. Many mornings I wake up and cannot even walk to the bathroom in my 22 foot trailer because of dizziness from the fragrance I was breathing all night while sleeping, also with a headache so painful I have to darken every crack of light because it hurts so bad even with my eyes closed.
I am on a quest to find something active which I can join, and take part in. I was poisoned from round-up in the mid 80s and was chosen to represent the united states against Monsanto in a lawsuit. Just because I do not have the type of cancer that supposedly proves that glyphosohate causes these problems they chose other methods. When I first realized what had happened to me in the mid 80s I called Monsanto and asked what I should do for round up poisoning they assured me that they were in denial when they told me that “round-up is not harmful to humans”.
Thank you for your time