
A New Superbug is on the Rise. Here’s What You Should Know

Humanity has been engaged in a decades-long war against superbugs. These drug-resistant microbes threaten our return to a pre-antibiotic era – one in which common infections were often deadly. And so far, drug developers haven’t been able to keep up. In the U.S. alone, at least 2 million people become infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria every year, leading to anywhere from 23,000 to 150,000 deaths.

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low dose lithium benefits

A Little Lithium Goes a Long Way – 5 Benefits of Low Dose Lithium

Lithium is a misunderstood naturally occurring element that’s used as a medication. It’s known for its mood stabilizing properties as a psychotropic drug. While you probably consider lithium to be a serious mind altering medication, the fact of the matter is lithium can often be found in low levels in our drinking water ranging from trace amounts to 0.17 mg/L.

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