vitamin b12

Everything You Need to Know About Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Do you suffer from any of the following symptoms? Weakness, tiredness, or light-headedness Rapid heartbeat or difficulty breathing Poor memory or difficulty concentrating Depression, anxiety, mania Numbness and tingling of hands or feet Difficulty with balance, poor coordination Pale skin Sore tongue Easy bruising or bleeding gums Upset stomach or weight loss Diarrhea or constipation…

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Embrace REAL Food!

Embrace REAL Food!

If you're at all concerned about your health—whether you want to gain health or maintain it—nutrition is paramount. In fact, your diet accounts for about 80 percent of the health benefits reaped from a healthy lifestyle, with the remaining 20 percent from exercise. So what makes for a nutritionally sound diet? First and foremost, a…

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Drink Coffee and Thrive!!

Drink Coffee and Thrive!! Many patients are surprised to hear that I drink coffee.  Not just an occasional cup, but every morning at 5:25am my Cuisinart automatic bean-grinding coffee maker whirs to a start, grinding the fresh-roasted beans from Silver Canyon Coffee (*Organic Ethiopian Unwashed Sidamo is our favorite) *The unwashed or “dry” coffee permits…

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