A Fascinating Look at the Dynamic Role of Interleukin-6 in Inflammation
Today we’re going to dive into exactly what interleukin-6 is, what role it plays in inflammation, and how to keep your levels balanced. Let’s dive in.
Today we’re going to dive into exactly what interleukin-6 is, what role it plays in inflammation, and how to keep your levels balanced. Let’s dive in.
In a world where there is mountains of advice on how to take care of your skin best it can be hard to sift through the noise and find what really helps. This is why I wanted to take the time and share with you some of my favorite skin care secrets.
Have you ever wondered if you have leaky gut? Maybe you struggle with digestive issues, symptoms of dysbiosis, or candida. Maybe you have one of the many conditions that are associated with leaky gut.
Are you struggling with acne and breakouts? Learn how to prevent or treat acne NATURALLY with these eight simple steps. Dr. Jill's Tips to Prevent Acne Stay away from milk. It is nature’s perfect food—but only if you are a calf. Eat a low glycemic load, low sugar diet. Sugar, liquid calories, and flour products all drive up…
If you’re ready to kick off the new decade with less stress, here are my recommendations to help you ease into a more relaxed year.
In Episode #78, Dr. Jill Interviews Beth O’Hara on Mold and MCAS. Why is mold toxicity such a big trigger of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome? Learn about Precision Mold Detox in Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Sensitivities.
Food Allergy “Fat” “Fat” that comes with food sensitivities is a characterized by bloating and fluid retention that many people experience when they ingest these top seven food allergens. Eating foods that interfere with our body’s chemistry causes tissue swelling, abdominal bloating or even facial puffiness that may have the appearance of real fat. In…
In Episode #67, Dr. Jill interviews Dr. Ann Corson about issues with hypercoagulation in chronic illness, and how Inflammation and infection may cause excess fibrin production. Excess fibrin production impairs oxygen getting to tissues and vital organs.
In Episode #66, Dr. Jill Interviews Dr. Lauren Tessier on Mold and Mycotoxins and how to test and treat for this common cause of autoimmunity. Learn more about immune dysfunction including TH17 dominance and it’s link to autoimmunity.
In Episode #64, Dr. Jill interviews Dr. Jill Crista about neuroinflammatory conditions such as mold toxicity, lyme disease, PANDAS, PANS and post-concussion syndrome. Learn why a weakened immune system is the core issue with chronic infections like Lyme disease.