low dose lithium benefits

A Little Lithium Goes a Long Way – 5 Benefits of Low Dose Lithium

Lithium is a misunderstood naturally occurring element that’s used as a medication. It’s known for its mood stabilizing properties as a psychotropic drug. While you probably consider lithium to be a serious mind altering medication, the fact of the matter is lithium can often be found in low levels in our drinking water ranging from trace amounts to 0.17 mg/L.

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Why is There a Cancer Warning on Your Coffee?

If you’ve ever been to or lived in California, you might have noticed that there are cancer warnings on more products than anywhere else in the country. Now, when you reach for a bag of coffee beans, there is a warning that the coffee you’re about to buy may cause cancer. There are even warnings inside coffee shops on their signage. It’s enough to make you wonder if you should stop drinking coffee altogether.

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