Are Chemicals in Plastics Increasing Your Risk of Breast Cancer?
Here we’ll discuss phthalates, one of the worst offenders among EDCs, and the latest research on its potential impact on breast cancer risk.
Here we’ll discuss phthalates, one of the worst offenders among EDCs, and the latest research on its potential impact on breast cancer risk.
We live in a toxic world. Microplastics are being found in the fish we eat, pesticides are being applied indiscriminately, and our drinking water seems to be contaminated with an endless number of chemicals and heavy metals. Many of these toxins are known as endocrine-disrupting chemicals. When most people think of toxins, however, the endocrine…
AirPods and other Bluetooth devices have made headlines recently – and it wasn’t because of a new product launch. On March 7th, an article titled “Are AirPods and Other Bluetooth Headphones Safe?” was published on the blogging platform And it went viral. I’ve written about the possible health effects of EMF radiation from cell…
Humanity has been engaged in a decades-long war against superbugs. These drug-resistant microbes threaten our return to a pre-antibiotic era – one in which common infections were often deadly. And so far, drug developers haven’t been able to keep up. In the U.S. alone, at least 2 million people become infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria every year, leading to anywhere from 23,000 to 150,000 deaths.
If you or a loved one has suffered from Crohn’s disease, you may have been told that the exact cause of your misery is still unknown. They might have told you there are many possible causes for Crohn’s disease – age, ethnicity, family history, immunodeficiency, history of NSAIDs use, etc.
If you’ve ever spent time reading about allergies, you might have come across people talking about Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). People with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome often struggle just to obtain a diagnosis – due to the complexity of the disease and the lack of awareness within the mainstream medical community, patients can go months, if not several years, without relief for their illness.
Now imagine this happening in your own body. Your connective tissue – the “glue” that helps hold everything in place – is poorly constructed and isn’t strong enough, meaning that your skin and joints can stretch and hyperextend beyond normal human limits. The thought of being super flexible might sound cool, until you realize that it’s not just the limbs that get all jumbled up, your nerves do, too.This is a reality for people with Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes.
In one way or another, we’re all touched by depression. But if you or a loved one has ever sought help for depression, you’ve probably come across the same textbook explanation: Depression is a result of chemical imbalances in your brain that affect your mood. In other words, depression is “in your head.”
Is NAD the secret to anti-aging we’ve been looking for? Let’s take a look into this fascinating molecule to learn more about its potential benefits.
But is there anything you can do to prevent mold growth in the first place? The answer is yes, and the key to preventing mold may lie with your home’s microbiome.