
Seafood: Friend or Foe? Why Seafood is Still Good for You, and What You Can Do to Keep Your Family Safe

If you’re a seafood lover, these headlines along with the already well-known risks of parasites, heavy metals, and chemicals may have you thinking twice before going to a sushi restaurant for date night. So should you stop eating seafood? The simple answer is no, but read on to find out why the benefits of seafood greatly outweigh the risks, and the steps you can take to continue enjoying seafood this summer. 

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Are Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals Destroying Your Body? Even at Extremely Low Doses?

We live in a toxic world. Microplastics are being found in the fish we eat, pesticides are being applied indiscriminately, and our drinking water seems to be contaminated with an endless number of chemicals and heavy metals. Many of these toxins are known as endocrine-disrupting chemicals. When most people think of toxins, however, the endocrine…

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A New Superbug is on the Rise. Here’s What You Should Know

Humanity has been engaged in a decades-long war against superbugs. These drug-resistant microbes threaten our return to a pre-antibiotic era – one in which common infections were often deadly. And so far, drug developers haven’t been able to keep up. In the U.S. alone, at least 2 million people become infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria every year, leading to anywhere from 23,000 to 150,000 deaths.

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