Take a look around you. Whether you’re at home, in your office, or even out in the community, chances are you can see at least a few electronic devices nearby. In fact, if you’re reading this, you’re probably staring at the screen of an electronic device right now.
From cell phones and computers to security systems and microwave ovens, life without technology is almost unimaginable for most of us. And thanks to our dependence on high-tech devices, each and every one of us is now exposed to unprecedented levels of man-made electromagnetic fields – also known as EMFs. And while EMFs may not be visible, their impact on your health is very real.
Let’s take a look at exactly why EMFs are harmful, how the up and coming 5G technology will impact EMFs, and how you can protect yourself and your loved ones from their effects.
What Exactly Are Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)?
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are invisible fields of energy also known as radiation.1 As the name implies, EMFs are created when you combine an electric field with a magnetic field. Electric fields are produced by voltage (or electricity), and magnetic fields are created as that current of energy flows in a given direction.
EMFs are nothing new – we’ve been receiving EMFs from the sun and the earth since the beginning of time. Even our own bodies have electrical and magnetic functions. But since the discovery of electricity, EMF levels have been steadily rising.
Nearly every piece of technology we depend on and enjoy in modern society generates electromagnetic fields. Devices such as:
- Computers
- Radio signals
- Televisions
- Power lines
- Cell phones
- Wi-Fi
- Bluetooth
- Smart meters (digital electric and gas meters that measure utility consumption)
- X-rays
- MRI’s
- UV lights
These days EMF exposure comes from far more places than just the sun or the earth – and levels are only going up.
Types of EMFs
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences categorizes EMFs into two groups based on their frequencies:1
Low-level, non-ionizing EMF radiation: These are EMFs that have a frequency lower than visible light and include things like Wi-Fi, power lines, or Bluetooth.
High-level, ionizing EMF radiation: These are EMFs that have a frequency higher than visible light and include things like X-rays, gamma rays, and sunlight.
There’s no argument that prolonged or frequent exposure to high-level ionizing EMFs are harmful to health. It’s common knowledge that staying out in the sun too long will cause sunburn or that x-rays are dangerous if you’re pregnant.
But what about our constant exposure to low-level EMFs like the ones emitted by our cell phones and Wi-Fi? As it turns out, while the health effects may be more inconspicuous, exposure to low-level EMFs over time can also have serious consequences.
What Are the Dangers of Consistent EMF Exposure?
The dangerous side effects of EMF exposure are not immediately noticeable. Instead, the damage accumulates over time. Some of the most notable and serious conditions that have been linked to EMFs are:
Currently, EMFs are identified as “possible carcinogens”. But many researchers are pushing for EMFs to be upgraded to the classification of “known carcinogen” because studies have found evidence directly linking EMF exposure to an increased risk of:2
- Brain cancer
- Vestibular nerve tumors
- Salivary gland tumors
- Breast cancer
- Testicular cancer
- Thyroid cancer
- Leukemia
Researchers believe that these proven links between EMFs and cancer warrant EMFs to be classified as “known carcinogens.” And that more research is warranted to determine public health risk and exposure management.
Neurological Deficits and Disorders
Because your brain and nervous system have their own electrical functions, they can be particularly susceptible to damage from EMFs. Researchers have found that EMF exposure can affect certain neurological functions and cause:3,4,5
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Headaches
- Impaired memory
But they can also lead to permanent and serious damage as well. Evidence has been found potentially linking EMFs to increased neurodegeneration and certain neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.6
Reproductive Issues
EMF exposure may also impact the reproductive system in both men and women. Studies have found that EMFs can reduce sperm quality in men 7 and even increase the risk of miscarriage in women 8.
How Do EMFs Cause Damage?
The exact mechanism behind EMFs harmful effects is still up for debate but is likely due to a combination of factors. One way that EMFs cause harm is by increasing free radical concentrations in the body. It goes something like this:9,10,11
An increase in harmful free radicals: Free radicals are unstable atoms that impact chemical reactions in your body. When levels are balanced they are necessary and beneficial – but when they are imbalanced they can wreak havoc on your body.
Oxidative stress: When there’s an imbalance and free radical levels are left unchecked, they cause damage on a cellular level which is known as oxidative stress.
Genetic damage: Oxidative stress can damage proteins, lipids, and even your DNA – which can alter the way your cells are able to reproduce.
Symptoms of EMF Exposure or Hypersensitivity
In recent years there’s been an increase in what’s known as EMF hypersensitivity. People with EMF hypersensitivity are much more sensitive to EMF exposure and can have a much more immediate and pronounced reaction. But even if you’re not hypersensitive, chronic exposure to high levels of EMFs can cause:
- Fatigue
- Difficulty concentrating
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Heart palpitations
- Digestive issues
- Red skin
- Tingling
- Burning sensation
- Insomnia
- Muscle aches and pains
- Depression
Because symptoms can be so vague and widespread, it can often be challenging to pinpoint EMFs as part of the problem. This is particularly true if you are already battling chronic inflammation or a condition that is compromising your immune system.
Many of my patients struggling with chronic infections like Lyme disease, parasite infections, or even toxic mold exposure will often notice much more sensitivity to EMFs. So if you’re struggling with vague symptoms or chronic illness, it may be time to take a look at EMF levels in your home.
What Is 5G?
The term 5G stands for fifth-generation wireless. 5G is a new wireless network technology designed to more efficiently transmit digital data. Cell phone companies gearing up for 5G are promising faster speed, better coverage, and an enhanced capacity to penetrate through obstacles (like through the walls of buildings).
5G technology delivers on these promises in two ways:
- Higher frequency waves known as millimeter waves. Millimeter waves have been described as a sort of “super-highway” for transmitting large amounts of frequencies at much greater speed.12
- More cell towers. 5G technology will require the installment of millions of new cell towers. 5G technology also requires more cell towers to operate effectively – meaning in cities where 5G is deployed, there will likely be a much higher density of towers than were needed for older wireless networks.
This is great news for businesses that rely on technology or for streaming videos at home. But the introduction of 5G networks could spell trouble for your health.
Why 5G EMFs Are Dangerous?
Part of the problem with 5G is that its introduction doesn’t mean that older wireless technologies like 4G or 3G are being replaced. Instead, 5G will accompany these older networks and work in conjunction with them.
This means as more and more 5G towers are implemented, your daily unavoidable exposure to EMFs will increase exponentially. The infrastructure of these wireless networks will not only create faster downloads but will create levels of radiation never seen before.
On top of this, since 5G technology is so new, there are no long-term studies on its effect on health – there aren’t even animal studies on it. There’s significant proof that the dangers of EMFs are very real, but exactly how dangerous 5G is to human health is still unclear.
But since our reliance on technology is only growing, 5G and other forms of EMF exposure are inevitable. So when it comes to reducing the risk of the negative side effects, you are your own best advocate – let’s take a look at how you can protect yourself.
EMF Protection: How To Reduce Exposure
Exposure to EMFs clearly has the potential to be damaging to your health. But does this mean you need to move off the grid or start putting tinfoil on your windows to protect yourself? Definitely not!
Modern technology is amazing and improves our lives in many ways – so of course, we want to enjoy the benefits even if it does mean exposure to EMFs. Your best bet is to stay informed and be proactive. Here are some simple steps you can take to minimize exposure while helping your body combat the exposure you can't avoid.
How To Limit Exposure To EMFs At Home:
- Use ethernet cords instead of Wi-Fi
- Unplug your Wi-Fi router at night or when not in use
- Keep devices off or in airplane mode when not in use
- Avoid Smart TV’s that use Wi-Fi – or unplug when not in use
- Make sure your homes electrical wiring isn’t emitting unnecessary EMFs – transformers that convert high voltage to low voltage emit unnecessary energy
- Keep devices like your cell phone or tablets away from your body when not in use
- When possible, use speakerphone during phone calls rather than placing the cell phone against your ear
- Consider an EMF meter to measure EMF levels in your home – I recommend the Acousticom 2RF EMF Meter.
- Invest in a Bioelectric Shield Personal Energy Pendant to block and neutralize EMFs (you can get 10 percent off with the code “DrJill”)
How to Reduce Your EMF Exposure:
- Earthing (also known as grounding) – having direct contact with the earth's surface can help stabilize your internal bioelectric environment. You can also purchase earthing sheets or mats to get the benefits while you sleep. (Learn more about earthing while you sleep by clicking here)
- Eat a healthy nutritious diet filled with antioxidant-rich foods to counteract oxidation caused by EMFs
- Reduce your overall toxic burden to help your body better cope with EMF exposure
So, How Concerned Should You Be?
Technological advances have no doubt improved the overall quality of life in many ways. And while we’re still learning about their impact on our health, it’s important to be aware of the potential dangers that accompany these gadgets that make our world work.
You’re always your own best advocate. By being aware of your exposure and using the methods outlined above, you can protect yourself from the harmful effects of EMFs without giving up everyday conveniences.
The more we know, the more we can protect ourselves – so share this article with your friends and family who might not be aware of the potential dangers of EMFs!
And now I’d love to hear from you. Are you worried about EMFs? If so, what steps are you taking to protect yourself and your loved ones? Share your thoughts or questions in the comments below.
- https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/agents/emf/index.cfm
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0013935118303475?via%3Dihub
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27083321
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6108834/
- https://www.nature.com/articles/srep21774
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3444040/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4074720/
- https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/12/171213095534.htm
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3444040/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6025786/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3897901/
- https://www.verizon.com/about/our-company/5g/what-millimeter-wave-technology
The information in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease state or medical condition and has not been evaluated by the <a href="https://www.fda.gov/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">FDA</a>. This is not intended to replace any recommendations by or relationship with your physician. The references included in each article allude to the level of scientific rigor I have applied to my writing. When changes become apparent we will update the information if appropriate.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product mentioned in this article are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information in this article is not intended to replace any recommendations or relationship with your physician. Please review references sited at end of article for scientific support of any claims made.
I developed EMF sensitivity as a co-condition of Mold toxicity after having Lyme disease. It is very unpleasant and frustrating to deal with. I have tried many things available in the online places that sell devices and found that with few exceptions, they don’t work. In some cases, such as a cover for my computer and a case for my cell phone, they actually increased the EMF readings on the meter that I bought.
I only use my cell phone with a headset and I disable Bluetooth for my car. I use a blue light shield for my computer, which has helped, along with blue light glasses. I keep my desktop computer as far away from me as possible, and I use my laptop only when I have to.
I am on a mold diet published by Dr Carnahan. I have lost weight, but It feels like I am doing the right thing. To those who are suffering, keep going with whatever works for you. Try new things and stay positive.
Thank you for your comments and sharing your story, Jess!
Dear Dr Jill,
Am One who is scared about 5g as I already stopped functioning … With a whiplash, post-tbe, neuroborrelios which does not heal because of Constant stress. Also a mold issue. Due to 5g trials in Stockholm (without warning) i had to stop many for me important things as i cannot handle the area in which they are (5g), incl a bodytherapist whom have helped me for years.
Cannot live in My flat, stayed in parents House Miles from the city but due to wifi in and around even there in a tiny society My Health is going down. Cannot sleep, nausea, heart burnt, anxt. When i go into the Woods this Stops, ceases immediately, not fully But clearly. Mind you they even have towers in some part of the Wood, it is not good there…beautiful old woods…pain.
When phones are turned off a big relief is there, i come back to My body…it is like being thrown out into an orchane of intense vibration throwing me out and Up into space with wifi..cannot think, focus. It actually physically hurts.Like handicapped. 5g makes My Brain cramp and just Close down,eyes hurts, breath is shallow and does not go down (when phones and wi-fi are off i find myself falling back into My pelvis region, surprised!) skin gets dry.etc..i have had to leave the emergency unit as i could No handle the emf…
Am so sad by the way 5 g is dealt with. Find it deeply scary how it is not researched before roll out. I do not need science to prove its dangers, My Body is screaming. But noone wants to hear. Am slowly getting more troubles with electrical things in wi-fi surroundings, this is just new.
I think of newborn Babies, ill People, old, high sensitive and weak nervous systems….The fact that noone wants to listen is so scary. Children will sit in 5g fields in school, with No Choice….be born Into a room with 5g….how can we as People not Care to research its effects on newborns before starting 5g???
I have No idea where to go, to live. For 39 years i was in a flat queu in Stockholm But i cannot use My now possible -new-home-queutime because of the high radiation in Stockholm (hoping for a miracle of a Good space to heal). Have heard other lyme/mold patients when they got better they also handle emf better. But this means ill People Will suffer unnecessarily because noone cared to deal fully with 5g before setting it Up. And it Will take longer to heal.
Where to live, how to work for those of us who cannot handle it already? Have become isolated, and turn My phone off most of the time . But noone else does!
Thank you so Much for inviting comments
With Love,
There needs to be more emphasis on fighting the implementation of 5g. 5g is NOT inevitable! This level of radiation is unacceptable but once money is invested putting towers up the powers that be will not care if it harms health. They don’t care now! What can we do to fight this besides the small efforts detailed here. It’s not enough!
I listened to a fascinating webinar on 5G last week. They spoke a lot about a technology available to protect us from Qi-Technologies. The website is: https://qi-technologies.com/en/. I’d be curious to know if you’ve heard of it, Dr. Jill? And do you think it’s a reliable technology?
Can you recommend any EMF protective clothing? I’ve been looking around online for pants, hoodies, etc.. maybe you know a reputable company that sells this type of clothing. Thank you!
you might try https://emfclothing.com/en/
So helpful! Thank you Dr. Jill. Wired headsets are a great tool, too. Does it help to avoid buying a phone that is 5G capable?